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Our design process begins with a thorough investigation of the project's location. We believe in understanding the unique characteristics and potential of each site. This involves brainstorming and analysing factors such as sun direction, which plays a vital role in decision-making for spatial arrangement.

We prioritise creating spaces that are optimised for different times of the day, from day to dusk and night. By considering the varying lighting conditions and the desired ambiance for each phase, we can craft designs that seamlessly transition and adapt to the changing atmosphere. This approach ensures that your space is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing throughout the day.

With our expertise and attention to detail, we strive to create designs that harmonize with the natural environment and enhance the overall experience of the space. Let us embark on a journey of exploration, where location and spatial arrangement come together to shape captivating designs from day to dusk and into the night.


We embrace a dynamic approach to design by directly working in the 3D form from the outset. Before diving into realistic 3D rendering with intricate lighting and shadows, we utilize basic colour blocks in the early stages of our design process. This technique allows us to swiftly confirm spatial arrangements before dedicating time to fine-tuning every detail.

By using colour blocks, we can focus on the overall composition and layout of the space without getting caught up in the minutiae. It provides a visual representation that helps us gauge the effectiveness of different spatial arrangements and make informed design decisions. This approach allows for a more efficient workflow and enables us to quickly iterate and refine our designs.

Once the spatial arrangement is finalised, we proceed to create realistic 3D renderings with realistic lighting and shadows, bringing the design to life with greater detail and accuracy. This iterative process ensures that every aspect of your design is carefully considered and refined, resulting in a visually stunning and well-planned space.

Let us unleash our creativity and expertise through the use of colour blocks, allowing us to rapidly explore and confirm spatial arrangements before delving into the finer aspects of design. Together, we can create spaces that are thoughtfully crafted and visually captivating.

VR 3D Visualisation - Desktop Computer only

(We recommend to use Google Chome Browser)

Click here to open a new window to see the Virtual Reality Showcase, it may takes a little time to load >>>

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